Camera Tool

The Camera Tool is used to take Snapshots of the current frame in the Movie.

By using the Shift and/or te Alternate key when clicking the Camera Tool, drawn objects can included or not and the crop tool used.

If the Drop Box Panel is open the Image can be saved to the Drop Box.

To Take a Snapshot of the Movie Frame

  1. 1.Click on the Camera Tool

  2. 2.If the Drop Box is open the image may be saved to the Drop Box

  3. 3.Otherwise a Save Dialog is opened and the Image may be saved to Disk


If the Shift-key is pressed, any crop is not used, if Shift-key is not pressed, any crop is used

If the Option-key is pressed, any objects are not included, if Option-key is not pressed, any objects are drawn


If none of the Shift and Option key is pressed, the Image is cropped (if a crop exists) and include any drawn objects

If both the Shift and the Option key is pressed, the Crop is not used and no objects are drawn

If only the Option key is pressed, any crop is used but no objects are drawn

If only the Shift key is pressed, the crop is not used but any objects are included

A quick way to examine the created image is to save it to the Drop Box and then double-click the created image-file.

See also